element type of an element of the multidimensional array
the allocator used for getting memory
the multidimensional array that is to be deallocated
struct TestAllocator { import stdx.allocator.common : platformAlignment; import stdx.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator; alias allocator = Mallocator.instance; private static struct ByteRange { void* ptr; size_t length; } private ByteRange[] _allocations; enum uint alignment = platformAlignment; void[] allocate(size_t numBytes) { auto ret = allocator.allocate(numBytes); _allocations ~= ByteRange(ret.ptr, ret.length); return ret; } bool deallocate(void[] bytes) { import std.algorithm.mutation : remove; import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; bool pred(ByteRange other) { return other.ptr == bytes.ptr && other.length == bytes.length; } assert(_allocations.canFind!pred); _allocations = _allocations.remove!pred; return allocator.deallocate(bytes); } ~this() { assert(!_allocations.length); } } TestAllocator allocator; auto mArray = allocator.makeMultidimensionalArray!int(2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2); allocator.disposeMultidimensionalArray(mArray);
Destroys and then deallocates a multidimensional array, assuming it was created with makeMultidimensionalArray and the same allocator was used.