
Constructors setting up the memory structured as a free list.

  1. this(ubyte[] buffer)
  2. this(ParentAllocator parent, ubyte[] buffer)
    struct ContiguousFreeList(ParentAllocator, size_t minSize, size_t maxSize = minSize)
    static if(stateSize!ParentAllocator)
    ParentAllocator parent
    ubyte[] buffer
  3. this(size_t bytes)
  4. this(ParentAllocator parent, size_t bytes)
  5. this(size_t bytes, size_t max)
  6. this(ParentAllocator parent, size_t bytes, size_t max)
  7. this(size_t bytes, size_t min, size_t max)
  8. this(ParentAllocator parent, size_t bytes, size_t min, size_t max)


buffer ubyte[]

Buffer to structure as a free list. If ParentAllocator is not NullAllocator, the buffer is assumed to be allocated by parent and will be freed in the destructor.

parent ParentAllocator

Parent allocator. For construction from stateless allocators, use their instance static member.
